Papikonda National Park

Papikonda National Park: A Biodiversity Haven in the Heart of India

Nestled amidst the verdant Papi Hills, Papikonda National Park sprawls across 1,012.86 square kilometers (391.07 square miles) near the city of Rajamahendravaram. This haven of biodiversity lies within the Alluri Sitharama Raju and Eluru districts of Andhra Pradesh, India.

This national park boasts a rich tapestry of biodiversity, earning its recognition as an Important Bird and Biodiversity Area. Over 2,500 species of plants, 92 species of birds, and a diverse array of reptiles and mammals find refuge within its protected borders.

Among this vibrant ecosystem, several endangered species thrive, including the majestic Indian giant squirrel, the elusive sloth bear, and the critically endangered Indian pangolin. Papikonda’s role as a sanctuary for these rare creatures underscores its crucial importance in preserving ecological balance.

Prior to 2014, the park’s boundaries extended beyond the East and West Godavari districts. However, the construction of the Polavaram Dam altered the landscape, ensuring that Papikonda now lies entirely within these districts.

For adventure seekers and nature enthusiasts, Papikonda offers an array of activities. Visitors can embark on invigorating hikes or challenging treks, immersing themselves in the breathtaking natural beauty. Birdwatchers can delight in the symphony of sounds emanating from the diverse avian population. Tranquil boat rides on the Godavari River provide a unique perspective of the park’s stunning landscapes.

Whether camping under the starlit sky or picnicking amidst the vibrant greenery, Papikonda National Park promises a memorable experience for everyone.

With its captivating landscapes, diverse wildlife, and vital ecological role, Papikonda National Park stands as a testament to the natural splendor of India.


The Papikonda National Park, a sprawling sanctuary of biodiversity in Andhra Pradesh, India, boasts a rich and fascinating history. Let’s embark on a journey through time to explore its evolution:

Early Protection: 1882 – 1978

1923: The importance of the region continued to be recognized, and the forest was designated as a “protected forest” in 1923. This designation offered even greater safeguards for the flora and fauna within its boundaries.

1952: Recognizing the need for further protection, the Indian government enacted the Wildlife Protection Act of 1952. This act established the framework for wildlife sanctuaries and national parks across the country.

1965: The Papikonda Wildlife Sanctuary was officially declared in 1965, encompassing an area of approximately 591 square kilometers. This marked a significant milestone in the region’s conservation journey.

From Sanctuary to National Park: 1978 – 2008

1983: The sanctuary received further recognition in 1983 when it was designated as a “Tiger Reserve” under Project Tiger, a national initiative to protect the endangered Bengal tiger.

2002: The park’s importance for birdlife was acknowledged when it was designated as an Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA) by BirdLife International in 2002.

2008: In 2008, marking another significant chapter, the Papikonda Wildlife Sanctuary was officially designated as a National Park. This upgrade reflected the park’s crucial role in conserving biodiversity and provided the highest level of legal protection.

Polavaram Dam and Beyond: 2014 – Present

2014: The construction of the Polavaram Dam on the Godavari River impacted the park boundaries. While no part of the park remains outside the East and West Godavari districts after 2014, the project’s consequences have been a subject of ongoing debate.

Present: Today, the Papikonda National Park stands tall as a testament to India’s commitment to conservation. It attracts visitors from across the globe who come to witness its breathtaking natural beauty and diverse wildlife.

Looking Ahead:

The future of Papikonda National Park remains bright. Ongoing conservation efforts aim to protect the park’s unique biodiversity and ensure its ecological sustainability for generations to come. As we move forward, understanding and appreciating the park’s rich history will continue to guide us in preserving this invaluable natural treasure.


Papikonda National Park occupies a vast territory stretching between 18° 49’ 20″ N and 19° 18’ 14″ N latitude and 79° 54’ 13″ E to 83° 23’ 35″ E longitude, encompassing the Alluri Sitharama Raju and Eluru districts of Andhra Pradesh.

This sprawling landscape boasts a diverse topography, with altitudes ranging from 20 meters (66 feet) to an impressive 850 meters (2,789 feet). This variation in elevation contributes to the park’s rich biodiversity and offers stunning vistas.

The park receives an average annual rainfall of 1168 millimeters (46.0 inches), contributing to its lush green vegetation and vibrant ecosystems. The mighty Godavari River, a vital source of water and life, flows majestically through the heart of Papikonda, adding another dimension to its breathtaking beauty.

Understanding the park’s geographical boundaries and environmental conditions paints a vivid picture of this remarkable natural treasure. It underscores the diverse landscapes, varying elevations, and abundant water resources that contribute to the park’s unique ecosystem and its role as a critical habitat for numerous species.



Papikonda National Park is a vibrant mosaic of lush green forests, boasting a rich diversity of plant life. Two main types of forests dominate the landscape: moist deciduous and dry deciduous.

Moist Deciduous Forests: These forests thrive in areas with moderate rainfall and well-drained soil. They are characterized by a canopy of tall trees that shed their leaves during the dry season. Some of the prominent species found in these forests include:

  • Pterocarpus marsupium (Indian Kino Tree): This majestic tree is valued for its strong timber and medicinal properties.
  • Terminalia elliptica (Arjuna): Revered in Hindu mythology, this tree is known for its medicinal bark and its use in traditional Ayurvedic practices.
  • Terminalia arjuna (White Asan): This tall tree with distinctive white bark is a valuable source of timber and plays a crucial role in soil conservation.
  • Adina cordifolia (Haldu): This large tree with fragrant flowers is a prized source of timber used in furniture making and construction.
  • Sterculia urens (Kadam): This beautiful tree with drooping branches and large red flowers is a valuable source of nectar for bees and a source of timber.

Dry Deciduous Forests: These forests are adapted to drier conditions, with shorter trees and a thinner canopy. Some of the key species found in these forests include:

  • Mangifera indica (Mango): This iconic tree, with its sweet and juicy fruits, is a vital part of the local economy and cultural heritage.
  • Anogeissus latifolia (Dhaora): This drought-resistant tree is known for its strong wood and its use in making agricultural implements.

This diverse array of trees, along with numerous other plants, shrubs, and herbs, create a complex and interconnected ecosystem within Papikonda National Park. This vibrant tapestry of green plays a crucial role in maintaining the park’s ecological balance and provides vital habitat for a wide range of wildlife.



Papikonda National Park is a haven for a diverse array of mammals, from majestic predators to elusive nocturnal creatures. Camera traps and sightings have revealed a fascinating tapestry of life, including:


  • Bengal Tiger: The apex predator of the park, this magnificent creature is a symbol of strength and power.
  • Indian Leopard: This stealthy cat patrols the forest floor, its spotted coat providing excellent camouflage.
  • Rusty-spotted Cat: The smallest wild cat in Asia, this elusive creature is rarely seen but plays a vital role in the ecosystem.
  • Jungle Cat: This agile hunter thrives in the undergrowth, preying on small mammals, birds, and reptiles.
  • Leopard Cat: This nocturnal predator is characterized by its long tail and distinctive markings.

Other Mammals:

  • Sloth Bear: With its shaggy fur and long claws, this fascinating animal scavenges for food and is known for its honey-loving habits.
  • Small Indian Civet: This nocturnal mammal with a distinctive scent gland plays a crucial role in seed dispersal.

Small Indian Civet

  • Asian Palm Civet: This arboreal creature feeds on fruits and insects, contributing to the park’s ecological balance.
  • Wild Boar: This omnivorous mammal is an important food source for predators and plays a vital role in soil aeration.
  • Honey Badger: Fearless and tenacious, this small mammal is known for its ability to take down prey much larger than itself.


  • Spotted Deer: These graceful animals are a common sight in the park, grazing on grasses and leaves.
  • Sambar Deer: The largest deer species in the park, these shy creatures prefer dense forests.
  • Indian Muntjac: This small deer with distinctive antlers is commonly referred to as the barking deer.
  • Indian Spotted Chevrotain: Considered the smallest hoofed mammal in Asia, this elusive creature is rarely seen.
  • Gaur: The largest wild bovine in Asia, this powerful animal is an important part of the park’s ecosystem.
  • Nilgai: This large antelope with distinctive horns is often seen in open grasslands and scrublands.
  • Four-horned Antelope: This unique animal is characterized by its four horns and preference for rocky terrain.


Papikonda National Park boasts a unique presence of both Rhesus macaques, typically found north of the Godavari River, and Bonnet macaques, usually found south of it. Additionally, Gray langurs are also present within the park’s boundaries.

This co-existence of different primate species adds another layer of complexity and intrigue to the park’s diverse ecosystem.

Historical Presence:

Records from the British colonial era suggest the presence of water buffaloes in the area. While their current population status remains unclear, their historical presence further highlights the rich tapestry of life that has thrived within the park’s boundaries.

Unveiling the Secrets:

Further research and observations are necessary to fully understand the intricate relationships between these various mammals and their habitat. The continuous monitoring and protection of these creatures are crucial for ensuring the long-term health and vibrancy of Papikonda National Park’s incredible ecosystem.



Papikonda National Park’s rich tapestry of life extends beyond its terrestrial inhabitants, soaring into the vibrant realm of birds. Recognized as an Important Bird and Biodiversity Area by BirdLife International in 2016, the park shelters a breathtaking array of avian species, including several endangered, vulnerable, and near-threatened ones.

Endangered and Vulnerable Species:

  • Black-bellied Tern: This graceful seabird with a distinctive black belly and white forehead graces the park’s waterways.
  • Pale-capped Pigeon: This threatened pigeon, with its distinctive white head markings, thrives in the park’s forested areas.
  • Yellow-throated Bulbul: This vibrant songbird, known for its melodic calls, contributes to the park’s enchanting soundscape.
  • Oriental Darter: This large waterbird with a long, pointed beak can be seen fishing in the Godavari River and its tributaries.
  • Pallid Harrier: This elusive bird of prey, with its distinctive pale plumage, patrols the park’s grasslands and marshes in search of small mammals and birds.
  • Great Thick-knee: This long-legged bird, with its distinctive call, inhabits dry grasslands and scrublands within the park.
  • River Lapwing: This striking bird, with its black and white plumage, can be seen wading in the shallows of the Godavari River and its tributaries.
  • River Tern: This agile fisherman, with its forked tail and distinctive calls, is a common sight along the riverbanks.
  • Malabar Pied Hornbill: This majestic bird, with its large casque and striking black and white plumage, is a symbol of the park’s ecological health.
  • Alexandrine Parakeet: This large, green parrot, with its distinctive red beak and blue head markings, is often seen in flocks foraging for fruits and seeds.

Tropical Delights:

The park also provides a haven for several bird species typically found in tropical moist forests. These include:

  • Black-throated Munia: This small, colorful finch, with its distinctive black throat and bright orange beak, adds a splash of vibrancy to the park’s undergrowth.
  • Indian Scimitar Babbler: This long-tailed babbler, with its distinctive scimitar-shaped bill, can be seen flitting through the branches of the park’s trees.
  • Jerdons Nightjar: This nocturnal bird, with its distinctive call, can be heard at night as it hunts for insects.
  • Malabar Trogon: This stunning bird, with its iridescent green plumage and crimson breast, is a rare but magnificent sight in the park’s dense forests.
  • Malabar Whistling Thrush: This melodious songbird, with its distinctive whistled calls, fills the air with its haunting beauty.

A New Discovery:

Adding to the park’s avian wonders, a subspecies of Abbott’s Babbler was identified and named after the renowned ornithologist K. S. R. Krishna Raju. This discovery further underscores the park’s significance as a crucial habitat for a diverse array of bird species, including those yet to be fully explored.

As research and observations continue, the park’s avian treasure trove is likely to reveal even more fascinating discoveries. The ongoing protection and conservation efforts are vital to ensure that the symphony of birdsong continues to resonate through the heart of Papikonda National Park for generations to come.


Beyond its remarkable diversity of birds and mammals, Papikonda National Park also serves as a haven for a fascinating array of reptiles. These cold-blooded creatures add another layer of complexity and intrigue to the park’s rich ecosystem.

Endemic Treasure:

The park is home to the Indian golden gecko, a species endemic to the Eastern Ghats mountain range. This small, brightly colored gecko thrives in the rocky outcrops and cliff faces found throughout the park.

Kingly Presence:

Adding to the park’s reptilian wonders, majestic king cobras have been sighted both within and around the protected area. These venomous snakes, revered for their size and power, play an important role in maintaining the ecological balance of the park.

Further Discoveries:

While these two remarkable species stand out, Papikonda National Park likely harbors a much wider diversity of reptiles. Further research and surveys are necessary to fully understand the full spectrum of reptilian life that thrives within its boundaries.

Protecting the Scaly Wonders:

The ongoing conservation efforts at Papikonda National Park are crucial not only for the protection of mammals and birds but also for the survival of its reptilian inhabitants. Ensuring a healthy habitat for these often overlooked creatures is vital for maintaining the ecological balance and preserving the park’s unique biodiversity.

As we continue to explore the secrets of Papikonda National Park, we can only wonder what other reptilian wonders await discovery. The park’s commitment to conservation and research gives us hope that these fascinating creatures will continue to thrive for generations to come.


Papikonda National Park, nestled in the eastern landscapes of India, offers a plethora of attractions that captivate the hearts of nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike. Here, amidst the lush greenery and diverse ecosystems, visitors can embark on a journey of discovery. Let’s delve into the key attractions that make Papikonda a unique and enchanting destination:

1. Papikondalu Range:

  • Towering hills and deep valleys form the breathtaking Papikondalu Range.
  • A trek through this scenic landscape unveils panoramic views of the Godavari River and surrounding forests.

2. Kolluru Huts:

  • Set against the backdrop of dense vegetation, the Kolluru Huts provide a serene retreat.
  • Visitors can enjoy the tranquility of the surroundings and marvel at the rich birdlife that frequents the area.

3. Godavari River Cruise:

  • The Godavari River, meandering through the park, offers an enchanting cruise experience.
  • Boat rides allow visitors to witness the park’s beauty from a unique perspective, with opportunities for bird watching and riverside exploration.

4. Wildlife Safari:

  • Explore the park’s rich biodiversity through guided wildlife safaris.
  • Encounter diverse species, including Bengal tigers, leopards, elephants, and a variety of endemic and migratory birds.

5. Tribal Villages:

  • Discover the cultural tapestry of the region by visiting the tribal villages surrounding the park.
  • Engage with local communities, learn about their traditions, and witness their harmonious coexistence with nature.

6. Perantalapalli and Pattiseema:

  • These picturesque locations along the Godavari River offer a blend of natural beauty and cultural heritage.
  • Ancient temples, serene landscapes, and historical significance make them noteworthy stops for visitors.

7. Tadimada Waterfalls:

  • Nature’s grandeur comes alive at Tadimada Waterfalls, located within the park.
  • The cascading waters amidst lush greenery create a picturesque setting, perfect for rejuvenation and photography.

8. Sripada Srisaila Devasthanam:

  • This revered temple dedicated to Lord Shiva is situated on the banks of the Godavari River.
  • Pilgrims and devotees find solace in the spiritual ambiance and scenic surroundings.

9. Bird Watching at Kolleru Lake:

  • Adjacent to the park, Kolleru Lake is a haven for bird watchers.
  • Witness migratory birds in their natural habitat, adding a vibrant touch to the park’s diverse avian population.

Papikonda National Park unfolds as a treasure trove of natural and cultural wonders, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the beauty and diversity that defines this enchanting destination. Whether exploring the untamed landscapes or embracing the local heritage, every attraction in Papikonda contributes to an unforgettable journey through the heart of nature.

Thing to do

Papikonda National Park offers a myriad of activities for visitors seeking to connect with the natural wonders and cultural richness of this enchanting destination. Whether you’re an adventure enthusiast, a wildlife lover, or someone looking to soak in the tranquility of the surroundings, Papikonda provides a diverse range of experiences. Here are some compelling things to do in this pristine national park:

1. Nature Walks and Hiking:

  • Immerse yourself in the park’s lush landscapes through guided nature walks or challenging hikes.
  • Explore diverse trails, from easy strolls to more adventurous paths, and witness the rich flora and fauna that Papikonda has to offer.

2. Photography Expeditions:

  • Capture the natural beauty of Papikonda through photography expeditions.
  • From the panoramic views of the Papikondalu Range to the vibrant flora and fauna, every corner of the park offers opportunities for stunning photographs.

3. Fishing and Angling:

  • Enjoy a leisurely day by the riverbanks, indulging in fishing and angling activities.
  • The Godavari River provides an ideal setting for those seeking a laid-back and contemplative experience.

4. Cultural Events and Festivals: – Check for local cultural events and festivals taking place in and around Papikonda. – Participate in celebrations that showcase the vibrant traditions and folklore of the region.

Papikonda National Park, with its diverse range of activities, beckons adventurers, nature lovers, and those seeking a cultural sojourn. Each experience contributes to the tapestry of memories, making a visit to Papikonda a truly enriching and unforgettable journey.

Best time to visit

Choosing the right time to explore Papikonda National Park is crucial to fully appreciate its natural splendor and engage in various activities. The park experiences distinct seasons, each offering a unique charm. Here’s a guide to help you plan your visit based on the best times to witness the beauty of Papikonda:

1. Post-Monsoon (October to March):

  • Highlights:
    • Moderate temperatures make outdoor activities comfortable.
    • Lush greenery and vibrant landscapes after the monsoon rains.
    • Ideal time for wildlife sightings and bird watching.
  • Recommendations:
    • Optimal period for trekking, nature walks, and boat cruises on the Godavari River.
    • Pleasant weather ensures an enjoyable experience for all types of travelers.

2. Summer (April to June):

  • Highlights:
    • Warm temperatures with daytime heat.
    • Opportunities for water-based activities and river excursions.
    • Clear skies and longer daylight hours.
  • Recommendations:
    • Early mornings and late afternoons are best for outdoor activities to avoid peak heat.
    • Ideal for bird watching and exploring tribal villages.

3. Monsoon (July to September):

  • Highlights:
    • Intermittent rainfall rejuvenates the flora and enhances the scenic beauty.
    • River levels rise, creating a dynamic and vibrant environment.
    • The park comes alive with the freshness of the monsoon season.
  • Recommendations:
    • Rainfall may restrict some outdoor activities, but the lush landscapes are a sight to behold.
    • Wildlife is more active, providing unique opportunities for photography.

Choosing the best time to visit Papikonda National Park depends on personal preferences and the type of experience you seek. Whether it’s the vibrant post-monsoon period, the warmth of summer adventures, or the refreshing allure of the monsoon season, Papikonda promises a captivating journey through nature’s changing tapestry.

How to Reach

Papikonda National Park, nestled in the eastern landscapes of India, is accessible through various transportation modes, offering visitors flexibility in planning their journey to this natural haven.

1. By Air:

  • Nearest Airport: The Rajahmundry Airport serves as the closest air gateway to Papikonda National Park.
  • From the airport, visitors can hire taxis or use other local transportation options for the onward journey to the park.

2. By Rail:

  • Nearest Railway Station: Rajahmundry Railway Station is the primary railhead in proximity to Papikonda National Park.
  • From the railway station, visitors can avail local taxis, buses, or private transportation to reach the park.

3. By Road:

  • Road Network: Well-connected roadways make Papikonda accessible by bus or private vehicles.
  • Major cities like Rajahmundry, Kakinada, and Vijayawada have regular bus services to nearby towns. Private taxis and rental cars are also available.

4. Waterways:

  • Godavari River Cruises: For a unique and scenic approach, visitors can opt for boat cruises on the Godavari River.
  • Boat services are available from Rajahmundry, and the journey provides a picturesque introduction to the park’s surroundings.

Local Transportation:

  • Taxis and Auto-rickshaws: Within the vicinity of Papikonda, local taxis and auto-rickshaws offer convenient transportation for short distances.
  • Private Vehicles: Renting a private vehicle allows for flexibility in exploring the park and its nearby attractions.

Tips for Travelers:

  • Confirm transportation availability and schedules in advance, especially during peak seasons.
  • Coordinate with local accommodations for assistance with transportation arrangements.
  • Check weather conditions, especially during the monsoon season, as they may affect road travel.

Travel Advisory: Papikonda National Park is a protected natural reserve, and visitors are advised to adhere to park regulations. It’s recommended to plan the journey well in advance, considering factors such as the preferred mode of transportation, travel time, and the desired experience within the park.

By air, rail, road, or water, the journey to Papikonda National Park is a prelude to the natural wonders that await, promising a seamless and memorable exploration of this pristine sanctuary.


Papikonda National Park stands as a testament to the incredible diversity and resilience of life. Its lush green forests, majestic mountains, and meandering rivers create a breathtaking landscape that inspires awe and wonder. From the endangered Bengal tiger roaming the undergrowth to the symphony of birds filling the air, the park is a vibrant tapestry woven with the threads of countless species.

More than just a haven for wildlife, Papikonda National Park offers a unique and unforgettable experience for visitors. Whether seeking thrilling adventures on the Godavari River, serene hikes through the forest, or encounters with ancient tribal cultures, the park caters to diverse interests. It is a place to reconnect with nature, learn about the delicate balance of our ecosystem, and appreciate the beauty of our planet.

As we move forward, the future of Papikonda National Park rests on ensuring its continued protection and sustainable management. By balancing tourism with conservation efforts, we can ensure that this natural treasure thrives for generations to come. The legacy of Papikonda National Park is a reminder of our responsibility to protect the environment and safeguard the natural wonders that enrich our lives.


Papikonda National Park is renowned for its rich biodiversity, serving as a protected area crucial for the conservation of diverse ecosystems, wildlife, and plant species.

Papikonda is accessible by air through Rajahmundry Airport, by rail via Rajahmundry Railway Station, and by road with well-connected highways. Additionally, boat cruises on the Godavari River provide a unique approach.

The post-monsoon season, from October to March, is considered the best time to visit, offering moderate temperatures and lush landscapes. However, each season has its unique charm.

Papikonda is home to diverse wildlife, including Bengal tigers, leopards, elephants, and various bird species. Wildlife safaris provide opportunities to witness these creatures in their natural habitat.

Yes, Papikonda offers trekking opportunities with various trails that allow visitors to explore the scenic landscapes and viewpoints of the Papikondalu Range.

Absolutely. Tribal villages surrounding the park offer a chance to interact with local communities, providing insights into their traditions, culture, and way of life.

Yes, there are accommodations available in nearby towns and cities, offering a range of options from hotels to resorts. Kolluru Huts within the park also provide a unique retreat.

Yes, photography is permitted in the park. The scenic landscapes, diverse flora and fauna, and cultural sites make it an excellent destination for nature and wildlife photography.

Visitors can check for local cultural events and festivals in nearby villages. These events often showcase the vibrant traditions and cultural heritage of the region.

Yes, visitors are advised to adhere to park regulations and guidelines to ensure the conservation of the natural environment. Following designated trails during treks and wildlife safaris is encouraged to minimize impact.